sed 's/^@//' >serrated.vs.plain <<'@EOF'
Author: Joe Talmadge
Last Modified: April 1998
I. Introduction
II. Plain vs. Serrated: The Conventional
III. Plain vs. Serrated Re-thought
IV. What Should I Carry?
V. Thoughts On The Partially-Serrated
I. Introductions
There's been a jump in recent years in
the popularity of serrated
edges, and there's often confusion as
to when a serrated edge is
advantageous, versus when a plain edge
is advantageous. The question
comes up often in rec.knives.
For our discussion, we'll need to talk
about what we're doing with the
knife. Think about what you can
do with a knife: you can shave,
slice, slash, saw, hack, chop, etc.
For our purposes, we'll divide
all knife uses into two very broad categories:
Push cuts: The main cutting is done
by pushing the edge through the
thing-to-be-cut. For example, when
you shave, you push the edge of
the knife through your beard. When
peeling an apple, you push the
edge under the skin of the apple.
When chopping wood, you try to push
the edge into and through the wood.
Slicing cuts: The cutting action
is substantially done by dragging
the edge across the thing-to-be-cut.
When you slice meat or a tomato,
you drag the edge across the tomato as
you cut through it. Slicing
and sawing are examples of slicing cuts.
II. Plain vs. Serrated: The Conventional View
In general, the plain edge is better than
the serrated when the
application involves push cuts.
Also, the plain edge is superior
when extreme control, accuracy, and clean
cuts are necessary,
regardless of whether or not the job is
push cuts or slices.
In general, the serrated edge will work
better than the plain edge for
slicing cuts, especially through hard
or tough surfaces, where the
serrations tend to grab and cut the surface
easily. Some of the
cutting power of the serrated edge is
due to its format alone; thus,
even a dull serrated edge knife will often
perform competently at
slicing jobs.
The plain edge will work better for applications
like shaving,
skinning an apple, skinning a deer.
All those applications involve
either mostly push cuts, or the need for
extreme control. Serrations
work really well on things like tough
rope or wood, where the
serrations bite through quickly.
Generally, the more push cuts are used,
the more necessary it is for
the plain edge to have a "razor polished"
edge. A knife edge becomes
more polished when you move to higher
and higher grit stones.
Generally, 1200-grit is considered polished;
a 6000+ grit Japanese
water stone would polish the edge further.
One interesting case is cutting a tomato.
In theory, you can just
push a blade through a tomato, so a razor
polished plain edge would
work fine. However, the tomato is
soft, and unless your plain edge
knife is very sharp, the tomato will simply
squish when you start
pushing. You can (and many people
do) use a slicing motion with your
plain blade, but if it's even a little
dull it won't cut well and it
may not even break the skin. Use
a sawing motion with a serrated
knife (even a dull one), and your tomato
will slice fine.
You will read about test after test where
the above view is
confirmed. That is, the plain edge
excels in push cuts, and the
serrated excels in slicing cuts.
This confirms the conventional view
@... to an extent.
III. Plain vs. Serrated Re-thought
Since actual tests confirm the truth of
the conventional view, what
more is there to be said? The problem
is that the tests are often not
as thorough as they need to be.
That is, when testing plain
vs. serrated performance, most tests are
comparing a plain polished
edge to a serrated edge. Given that,
it is no surprise that the
serrated blade easily outperforms the
plain blade when cutting (for
example) rope.
A polished edge is not the only choice
with a plain blade. One can
get the plain edge to perform much differently
when sharpened with
coarser stone. People who cut rope
often use a plain edge sharpened
on a file, to get an incredibly coarse,
"micro-serrated" edge that
performs wonderfully at slicing jobs.
So the knife testers are
testing with polished plain edges, whereas
people experienced with
cutting rope use coarsely-ground plain
Whether or not serrated blades will out-slice
coarse-ground plain
blades seems to depend on the medium being
cut. Harder materials (or
materials under tension) do well for serrated
blades. With softer
materials, the serrations will sometimes
catch and unwind the material
rather than cut -- in this case, coarse-ground
plain blades may easily
out-slice serrated blades.
So the claim that serrated edges work better
than plain edges for
slicing needs to be re-examined.
It appears that as materials get
harder or put under more tension, the
serrated edge may slice a bit
better than a coarse-ground plain edge.
As the material gets softer
and looser, the coarse-ground plain edge
may slice a bit better. And
as we go towards push cuts, the polished
plain edge comes into its
own. The user may want to experiment
on those materials that he often
cuts, before choosing the edge format.
In addition, keep in mind that the coarse
plain edge is much easier to
sharpen than the serrated edge.
Just grab your file or extra coarse
stone, take a few swipes, and you're ready
to go. With the serrated
blade, you'll need to find a sharpening
rig with the special serrated
blade sharpener. Balancing this
is the fact that serrated blades need
to be sharpened less often.
IV. What Should I Carry?
Should you carry a serrated blade or plain
blade for everyday utility
carry? Unless you *know* that the
majority of work you'll be doing
heavily favors slicing or pushing (e.g.,
"I spend all my time
whittling"), it may not matter much.
My experience has been that
general utility work is usually general
enough that either format
works just fine, though these days I tend
to lean towards plain
blades. Also keep in mind that by
changing your sharpening strategy
on the plain edge, you can significantly
change its characteristics.
If you do a lot of push cutting, you want
to go with a razor polished
plain edge. If you do a lot of slicing,
you'll need to decide between
a coarse-ground plain edge and a serrated
edge. I don't mind
sharpening, so I lean towards plain blades,
strategically sharpened to
the right grit (polished or coarse) for
the jobs I happen do be doing.
Occasionally, people mention that the serrated
edge looks intimidating
to the masses. This could be good
if you're using this knife
primarily for self defense and want an
intimidation factor. Or it
could be bad, if you're carrying for utility
work and don't want to
scare people (especially the nice officer
who pulled you over for
speeding and asks to look at the knife
in your sheath). Rumor has it
that airport guards are particularly strict
about serrated edges.
Other than at airports, I don't think
the menacing appearance of the
serrated edge is important enough either
way to affect what I carry.
V. Thoughts On The Partially-Serrated Blade
Another option is the combination plain/serrated
edge. This format
appears to have overtaken the all-serrated
format. Typically, the
50%-60% of the blade nearest the tip is
plain, while the back 40%-50%
is serrated. There are mixed feelings
on this format. Many people
swear by this format, and feel that it
is a good compromise, giving
the user the choice of precise push cuts
from the plain edge, and the
advantage of the serrated edge for tougher
materials. However, keep
in mind that on a 3.25" blade, there's
maybe 1.25" of serrations. The
detractors of this format feel that 1.25"
is too short a length for
the serrations to be really be useful,
and the length of the plain
edge is being sacrificed for no good gain.
My own philosophy on partially-serrated
blades at the moment is that
since I have both edge formats in one
knife, I try to let each one
shine in their respective areas.
So I'm razor polishing the plain
edge part, often on a 1200 grit diamond
stone or even 6000 grit
Japanese water stone, and then stropping
it. The plain edge is scary
sharp for push cuts, and I use the serrations
when I need to cut
through hard or fibrous material.
Partially-serrated blades are often serrated
at the "wrong" place.
For example, for camp use, I might want
the belly serrated for cutting
my steak, and the part near the handle
razor-polished for whittling
and control-type usage. However,
99.9% of partially-serrated blades
are ground exactly the opposite: the ripping
inaccurate serrations are
at the control part of the blade, and
the plain part is out at the
slicing part.
In theory, one can use a plain blade to
get similar performance to a
partially-serrated blade. Just razor
polish the plain blade, and then
rough up one part of the edge on a file,
to get a knife that will
excel at push cuts at one point of the
blade, and excel at slicing
cuts at another.