Trade Secrets
Have you heard the comment “That's a TRADE SECRET”. What a joke! When I hear those words I get really hacked off. To me that means the knifemaker is afraid of me and my knives. It also means he is very small minded. Knife making would not be where it is today, if we did not share secrets. There are no secrets, only new procedures. Knife making is a very complicated process (when it’s done right), I have been making knives over 26 years and I’m a long way from knowing it all. There have been many knifemakers, that have helped me over the years. I am going to mention a few, but there are many more. To all of them I say "Thank You". R. W. Wilson, Weirton West Virginia Dr. Fred Carter, Wichita Falls, TX
Kit Carson, Vine Grove, KY
Just recently, I spent some time with W. D. Pease
and John W. Smith. Two great knifemakers that shared many techniques.
Over the last 25 years there has been many makers that shared their
“procedures” with me on the phone and at knife shows. The majority of
knifemakers are caring people. If they see a person is having a problem,
they hold back nothing.